Moving my blog to Silvrback  

I have been using Svbtle since it opened up to the public and in general I have enjoyed it. It’s has a very clean design and you get to blog in Markdown which is great when you typically talk about code.

But I have been wanting to set up a custom domain for my blog which typically requires paying for blog hosting (which I’m fine with). And if I’m going to be putting money into something I want to make sure it’s the best I can get for the money I’m spending. And that’s when I found Silvrback.

Basically Silvrback does everything that Svbtle does in terms of features from custom domain to letting people subscribe by email. I still do prefer Svbtle’s overall look, Silvrback isn’t far off. And then there is the fact that Silvrback is USD 30/year while Svtble works out to USD 72/year. Look quibbles aside, I just couldn’t ignore the difference, especially when I have Damian of Silvrback so responsive to questions/suggestions I had.

And so my blog/bio page is now at and is hosted by Silvrback (if you prefer HTTPS access you can get it through but obviously that is not as stable as the custom domain).


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My guess as to why tablets have not taken off

Re/code has an essay entitled, “Our Love Affair With the Tablet Is Over”. I think I agree. Our 1st generation Nexus 7 tablet lives underneath our sofa. I originally put it there to use as the TV remote for the Chromecast, but I find... Continue →